New Pattern: Avril Mini Shawl
Spring is here, and so is this most adorable new bundle: Avril mini shawl!
Lolita, La Bien Aimée’s online shop manager, just released her very first design, the Avril Mini Shawl. Knit in 5 skeins of Merino Sport 20g, it is an adorable mini shawl with clever design tricks (and it is free on Ravelry!)
For Lolita's debut knitting pattern release, Avril is the perfect presentation of everything she loves: fresh spring colors, pure lines, and comfort with style. Avril will become the staple of your spring wardrobe.
With its careful balance of up to four different colors, this ever so cute mini shawl can wrapped over tops, tucked inside jackets, or even tied on to the handle of a bag. You won't want to leave the house without it!
The original bundle contains 4 colors, one for the tip of the shawl, one for the main part, one for the icord edge, and a last one for the lines you add in crochet afterwards. If you would like to choose your own color combo for Avril, don’t hesitate to check out the Merino Sport 20g we have online now.
We can't wait to see all the beautiful color combos you choose for your Avril mini shawl, so don't forget to tag us and Lolita (@L0lita) in your projects on Ravelry and your photos on Instagram @LaBienAimee and @LolitaDailyKnits !
Project photos from ravelry users @sixblvrd, @jakeweaverknits, and @anniececilia